
The history of Chongqing hotpot

Do you know the history of Chongqing hotpot?

We also called Chongqing hotpot as Beef  omasum hotpot or spicy hotpot. The extensive food originated in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty of Chongqing Jialing River and Chaotianmen ferry boatman trackers.The main raw materials are beef omasum, pigs throat, duck intestines, and cow blood etc.The Sichuan is known as "still taste", "spicy", pepper, pepper and other seasonings diet, after the development of small vendors peddle shoulder.
Legend has it that in the 1920s and 1930s, the brothers opened chongqing's first tripe pot belly pot restaurant.At about the time of the qing dynasty, the banquet of chongqing began to appear with tripe hotpot.During the Anti-Japanese War, the hot pot catering in chongqing was developed, and the hot pot restaurant was opened in the streets and alleys, including the famous yunlong garden, the garden, the fourth one, the undrunkenness, the bridge head and other hotpot restaurants.On this basis, it evolved into the hot pot of modern chongqing.
Pure duck Hot pot, according to their memories of old Chongqing, appeared in fifteen years before, but the second half is the birthplace of North South Ji door slaughtering Street (now Yangtze River bridge bridge under the ridge). When the cattle dealer from Sichuan Road rushed cattle to Chongqing, in the South Bank of the early night, crossing the river, the cattle to slaughter house Street slaughter. It is not easy to buy cheap Ma brothers sold the ox belly and Wang, opened a duck to the main dishes like ordinary water eight pieces "make and eat the duck soup red Hot pot Museum in the street under the slaughter room. The duck washed destemmed, bleaching, plus a dish of sesame sauce and mashed garlic is mixed.
It is said that this is Chongqing duck Hot pot and the origin of the name. Until the war, jiaochangkou street is still a woman surnamed Ma opened a special supply of authentic duck duck Hot pot dish, the ox belly (each horse horse according to the price of two cents). Authentic spicy tripe tripe crisp fresh Hot pot, incense, taste than other cattle pigs under miscellaneous far better, to win the praise of customers.

