
The correct way for the people with gout to eat hot pot

Red oil hot pot is the main culprit of gout attack

We should firstly understand that why we cannot eat hot pot?
We will eat lots of purine content high animal internal organs like bone marrow, red meat, seafood, shrimp, crab and so on,which are easily lead to gout attacks.Some people also think that its okay if we only eat the soup.
In fact, purine material included within this broth is 30 times higher than normal diet, easy to rise to purine metabolites uric acid in the body, drink easy make lactic acid accumulation in the body, inhibit the excretion of uric acid, this is the man who sat chafing dish drink before the main cause of gout.
1.The base soup and dip to light
The base soup and the dip to light.Pepper, Chinese prickly ash, mustard and other seasonings can cause gout attacks, whether do base or dip should use less as far as possible.Clear soup pot can greatly prevent the gout
2. Rinse rinse meat after dish first
Gout crowd when eating hot pot rinse rinse after dish of meat, meat, and it is not only beneficial to control energy consumption, also can avoid excessive intake of purine, aggravating symptom gout.Hot pot rinse dishes first Then rinse meat, reduce gout occurs
3. Don't drink soup to eat hot pot
Hot pot soup often contains a large number of purine, want to drink less as far as possible, if you must drink, in the hot pot soup within half an hour to drink better.By this time the purine content is low.Don't drink hot pot soup
4. Eat hot pot with soda water or lemonade
Hot pot in acid is more, this time might as well with a alkaline soda water or lemonade to neutralize it.Also can drink plain boiled water to dilute uric acid, accelerate excretion.Don't drink beer, or "worse".
Eat hot pot can match lemonade, pay attention to don't put sugar
In addition, gout attack is high content of purine food, is strictly prohibited at this time again greediness also want to control.You can eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, etc., help the uric acid excretion.
In addition, blood uric acid and renal function, periodic review found that the problem in time, timely treatment.As long as you can stick to do this, will greatly reduce the risk of gout recurrence even family genetic predisposition of gout patients also can live a normal life.


Some interesting stories about hot pot

Some ancient imperial complex, with hot pot back Kublai Khan likes to eat hot pot.One winter, troops suddenly to zone, and he was hungry, must eat mutton, clever cook the feeling be nasty in sliced mutton, into the boiling water pot of hot, and add sauce, chopped green onion and so on, after Kublai Khan.Later, he became emperor still does not forget the dishes, and is called "mutton hotpot".

According to legend, the Ming dynasty writer Yang shen's childhood with his father, summer camp and to set hongzhi emperor in the imperial splendidly.Have mutton hot pot, the fire burning charcoal, hongzhi emperor to take a part, top allied cloud: "black red and gray like snow", to the minister told the ministers immediately all looked at each other.At this point, the young Yang shen quietly YinChu bottom allied to the father: "valley of the yellow rice rice such as frost.Therefore the father sent the son's to read it to the emperor, the emperor much yue, immediately enjoy a cup of wine.Emperor qianlong in the qing dynasty also eat hot pot pig, he has repeatedly jiangnan, every one, have hot pot.According to legend, he was in the first month of the first year of jiaqing "thousand feast", is placed in the palace big feast on hot pot more than 1550, was invited to taste more than 5000 people, became one of the largest in the history of hot pot feast
Some modern cultural celebrities also has a special liking for hot pot, celebrity hu shi affection for hometown huizhou hot pot., at home to entertain guests at the dinner table, mostly by his wife to cook huizhou chafing dish with guests.Famous writer liang shiqiu in an article entitled, "Mr Hu shi two or three things," the recollection of the essay, it describes the huizhou chaffy dish to give him a deep impression and hu shi preference for the hot pot of huizhou.Film director Patrick DE bardine early in chongqing, like eating hot pot.


Do you know what are the misunderstanding to eat hot pot?

Many people love to eat hot pot but they dont know how to eat correctly.
Mistake 1 hemp, hot, hot
Eat hot pot is "a very hot when three fresh" say, don't seem to be very hot, taste will be discounted.But, in fact, oral cavity, esophagus and stomach mucosa 50 to 60 , normally only tolerance and temperature can be as high as 120 hot pot soup, food is boiled, it is easy to burn oral, esophageal and gastric mucosa.Plus the stimulation such as spicy, easy to cause or induce a variety of digestive organ inflammation and ulcers.
Experts remind ning santian, don't catch a hot food from the pan in the dab stay cool first, then eat, had digestive tract diseases, eat hot pot with less fat, less light spicy hot pot is advisable.
Erroneous zone 2 fresh
Not fully cooked food especially fresh taste, it is also one of the reasons people like hot pot.But, if blindly covet fresh, haven't eat boiled food, such as not only affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients, may also be caused by which is not to kill bacteria and parasites gastrointestinal infection.Experts remind don't eat a half cooked food would rather sacrifice some taste, also should eat meat rinse well done again., of course, if the food in the pot boiled too long, can also lead to nutrition, especially vegetables, cooked too long will make it more vitamin loss, usually eat after scalding soft.
Myth 3 "nutrition" soup
Many people think of hot pot soup together the essence of all kinds of food, delicious taste and rich nutrition, the opposite is true.After repeated boiling hot pot soup, most beneficial ingredients such as vitamins have been destroyed, and harmful ingredients such as saturated fat, sodium, purine are much more special, these ingredients are the causes of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases.Clinical acute gout attack caused by the hot pot of patients are not uncommon, because in the majority with meat hot pot of food, protein decomposition to produce a large number of purine, purine eating too much is the cause of acute attacks of gout, if drink beer at the same time, is to add fuel to the fire, because the purine in beer content is also high.
When the hot pot soup cooking time more than 60 minutes, the nitrite content in liquid quickly rise, want to have a taste the freshness of hot pot soup when boiled soon will drink, do not stay hot pot boiling for a long time after drinking, and it is advisable to drink less.A history of high blood uric acid and gout patients had better touch less hot pot, or with low purine food is given priority to, such as fruits, vegetables, ban alcohol at the same time
Myth "protracted war"
A hot pot to eat a few hours, and give priority to with fatty meat, gastrointestinal must continue to secrete digestive juices, so for a long time, can lead to digestive disorders, can also lead to protein and fat intake too much and cause all sorts of "rich".The expert reminds control within 2 hours
Eat hot pot don't more than once a week, eat more easily lose.And eat shoulds not be "protracted war", the best control within 2 hours.In addition, the hot pot people often eat meat are forgetting the staple food, vegetables, easy nutrition structure is not balanced.Therefore, enjoy delicious, don't forget to staple food, vegetables, meat and beans collocation to eat, eat eat "hot pot" health.


What should we pad attention to when we eat hot pot?

Hot pot ingredients varied, delicacies, vegetables into the pan, seasoning is sour, sweet, spicy, everything is all ready, so it is important to pay special attention to the raw materials of health.Own chemical changes due to the contamination of microorganism and food can cause food appearance shape change, people can see, smell, touch the way to determine whether a food metamorphism.Such as meat, is bright red, elastic, bright color, no smell;Deteriorated after a reddish-brown, fat to grey, fleshy sticky, colour and lustre is dim, mildew smell
Utensils clean fresh for ordinary copper pot after discontinuation, a thin layer of green rust easily, this is copper with residual water or moisture, sauce pan touch of acetic acid, carbon dioxide from the air reaction generated alkali carbonate copper or copper acetate, they are poisonous.So the cleaning work to do, or it will cause the rust poisoning symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

Firepower to fierce
Firepower to fierce temperature must be suitable for hot pot bottom, to keep the pot soup boiling is preferred.CaiLiao food in a pot of time is too long, nutrition will be destroyed, easy to lose freshness;If to boil, to eat boiled, bacteria and parasite eggs are not being completely kill, easy cause digestive tract disease.
Should not be hot
Unfavorable eat hot mouth, esophagus and stomach mucosa normally only tolerance 50 , 60 temperature, too hot food, will damage mucous membrane, resulting in acute esophagitis and acute gastritis.So, from the pot hot rinse the food, best first on dab of cool.Food high in fat fiercely hot mixed drink of harmful hot pot soup pot rinse rinse soup, is based on a lot of fat, fat, butter and other animal fatty substance is the base, and more is ingredients with chili, pepper, Chinese prickly ash, hot pot to eat many, easy to cause diseases such as hyperlipemia.
Cooking methods
Hot pot cooking method is very important, very hot hot pot before, should first remove the raw material of blood, hair, sludge, etc., uniform slices, shoulds not be too thick.In buying has slices of the finished product should check whether metamorphism.Hot pot according to its thickness of slices in boiling broth on the hot 1 to 2 minutes;Meat cut into squares, especially shellfish food, its fleshy, carrying microorganisms is more, it is difficult to a hot were killed and processed into semi-finished products in advance and best slightly pressed inside and then into the hot pot is edible.Eat hot pot had better put the food before eating boiled, don't eat my food, so as to avoid infection.
Hot pot ingredients
Eat less guts?
Such as pesticides, fertilizers, additives in food production process, the application of animal internal organs tend to become this kind of harmful substances "filter" and "reservoir", especially the liver, lungs, pathogenic microorganisms and the highest drug residues.
Eat less half cooked food?
Fresh food on the table, often sick the original residual microorganism and parasite eggs.If a rinse namely eat, harmful microbes invade the body's possibility is very large.
The patient less rinse some hot pot material?
Such as shrimp dumplings, meat ball high in fat, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia patients should eat less.Hot pot soup contains sodium salt is more, kidney disease, high blood pressure patients should eat less.Seasoning (such as barbeque sauce, chili sauce, etc.) has certain stimulating, people with gastrointestinal diseases should use less.
Don't eat too spicy
Too too spicy, ma food, not only can stimulate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, esophagus, and gastrointestinal tract and make it happen hyperemia and edema, also easy to cause some disease.Whatever stomatitis, chronic pharyngitis, ulcer and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis disease relapses and upper abdomen surgery don't eat hot pot.Eat hot pot also pay attention to match
Put some more vegetables
Vegetables contain lots of vitamins and chlorophyll, the more cold, not only can eliminate fat, vitamin deficiencies, winter human body complement and cool and refreshing, detoxification, medical effect, but in the vegetables don't for a long time to cook, to have a fire.Eat fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke
Put some tofu
Tofu is a bean products containing gypsum, in the hot pot in the bean curd, appropriate can not only complement the intake of a variety of trace elements, but also can produce gypsum heat purging fire, except vexed, thirst.Add some lotus seeds, lotus seeds are rich in a variety of nutrients, not only is the medicine of the tone up human body.Hot pot in appropriate to join the lotus seed, this element combination will help balanced nutrition, healthy, to join the lotus seeds had better not smoke have blessed are purging fire effect of lotus plumule.Can appropriate to put some ginger: ginger flavor, cold resistance, can put inside hot pot doesn't peel ginger, because ginger PiXin cool, with fire in addition to the effect of heat.Eat hot pot after drinking a cup of green tea not only can this solution be bored with lightening, and lowering effect, but after eat the big fish big meat hot pot, do not drink tea at once, in case of tea tannic acid and protein, influence the absorption of nutrients.
Eat hot pot order
Fruit vegetables meat   
Hot pot, hot season is coming again, there are many kinds: hot pot, such as fish head pot, beef pot, seafood pot, pork, lamb, furnace, homely chafing dish, spicy hot pot, stone and so on.Clean as long as the material, save properly, pay attention to a balanced, hot pot is expected to begin after and well done again to eat, so you can eat safe and healthy
Eat hot pot before drinking juice
Rinse the order of the hot pot is very exquisite, the most delicious to drink half a cup of fresh juice before, then eat vegetables, and then is meat.So, it is reasonable to use food nutrition, reduce the burden of gastrointestinal, achieve the goal of a healthy diet.The following several kinds of drinks are can choose to eat hot pot: carbonated drinks can promote digestion, promote the body heat discharge, supplement moisture effect is better also.Fruit juice beverage can stimulate gastric secretion, digestion, still can make the upper small intestine acidic, help the absorption of calcium, phosphorus.But the weight control and the elderly, blood sugar high attention should be paid to choose diet drinks.Dairy and vegetable protein drinks such as yogurt, almond milk, coconut juice, herbal tea, suitable for chronic diseases and the elderly.White wine or wine can have the effect of sterilization, to go to shan, the most suitable for mutton hotpot when drinking.Vegetable juice physical adjustment


Do you know how to eat hot pot without getting inflamed

We are afraid to get inflamed when we eat hot pot,so are there any methods for us to avoid it ?so Nutrition experts say, hotpot, material, both meat and vegetables, first of all, the most important thing is to fresh.On select material such as fat, mutton, dog meat, squid meat, you can add some cool vegetables, such as wax gourd, Chinese cabbage, watercress, lotus root, like eating bitter-tasting citizens, can also have some bitter melon.Put in soup base point is not to the core of lotus seed, will not only help balanced nutrition, and call on the effect of purging fire.And add some bean curd, not only can supplement the intake of a variety of trace elements, can also play in the tofu plaster heat purging fire, except vexed, thirst.


Do you know if pregnant can eat hot pot?

During pregnancy had better not eat excitant,such as hot pot meal is normal also had better not to eat, to stimulate intestines and stomach, bad to the body.

If the location of the hot pot from oneself too far, don't just hand burning food, lest increase back pressure, lead to back tired and sore, please husband or best friend.
Pairs of chopsticks from contamination
Mothers should try to avoid using born with a pair of chopsticks to take food and eating, so easy to infected with the bacteria on the raw food into his stomach, caused by lax and other diseases.
His hot pot the most health
Expectant mothers like to eat hot pot, the best prepared at home, besides soup base and material should be arranged themselves, food hygiene is also one of the most important.Remember, no matter in restaurants or at home to eat hot pot, any food must be burning until cooked through, can eat.
Reduce the appetite for digestion
During pregnancy may appear vomiting nausea phenomenon, therefore the digestive ability of gastric lower nature.When eating hotpot, expectant mothers if poor appetite, eating should slow down the speed and reduce weight, eating to food digestion after not, causing discomfort.
Eat hot pot must also speak order
Rinse the order of the hot pot is very exquisite, the most delicious to drink half a cup of fresh juice before, then eat vegetables, and then is meat.So, it is reasonable to use food nutrition, reduce the burden of gastrointestinal, achieve the goal of a healthy diet


What should we pay attention to the hot pot bed charge (halogen soup

Hot pot soup is made by heating up so that the various characteristic of condiments into full play.To adjust the flavor of hot pot soup, we must make full use of the fat solubility and water solubility of the condiment when it is heated so as to achieve "five flavors of harmony"". This requires the correct operation of the furnace temperature, feeding sequence and cooking time. Four. Five kinds of blending ratio, right. Hot pot condiment is a organic combination of various spices, including five reconcile a subtle relationship between a shift in the culvert, a condiment excess, will cover other spices flavor, causing overwhelming,". So in the various condiments on Hot pot seasoning has to be appropriate. Of course, the right is relative, to grasp the salty and sweet, the intrinsic contradictions on the two Ma and spicy taste in Hot pot dominant, Hot pot soup (pot), halogen salty is the main, the sweet taste is background flavor, mellow taste the soup brine is long, people often say spicy and in fact, spicy than hemp taste prominent, so that there is a harmonious taste, sweet and salty spicy condiments on the basic grasp of the tone, Hot pot (basic taste) is set, the other to the fishy flavor, fresh spices as long as it does not hurt material, causing direct effects on five kinds of not.

Do you know the cuisine of Beijing mutton hotpot?

1. The tender lamb cut into large flakes;Fans, water well, cut;Choose cabbage clean and cut into strips.All material loading plate respectively, on the table.Parsley choose well, cut it into pieces

2. Put the sesame paste, and fermented bean curd, soy sauce, LuHaYou, Chinese chive flower, vinegar, sugar, garlic, coriander respectively into the disc, for use on
3. Put on fresh soup pot, add dried shrimp, ignition on the table, after waiting for the pot soup boil off, with mutton slices with chopsticks in the pot and swishing, will rinse cooked mutton slices with sauce to eat.Finally, in the Chinese cabbage, fans into the pot, vegetables, hundreds of fans when mature, add salt, MSG, soy sauce, remove and serve.
Food features: the meat is tender, not shan not bored with traditional flavor department in Beijing cuisine.


What's the difference between eating hot pot in different seasons

All the year round, spring, summer, autumn and winters temperature is different, the function of the body will correspond with the seasons change.

In order to make "hot pot" functional health care, the health care keeping in good health and food can really play a role in different seasons of "hot pot" raw materials should be different to adapt to human physiological changes of requirements.If hot pot materials of the same four seasons of chun xiaqiu winter, will have a negative effect on human health, have adverse consequences.The four seasons hotpot materials should be according to the following preparation:
Spring hotpot materials
Nor, all things recovery, sun be the spirit fu, the human body environment began to change from winter to spring, three meals a day diet should be in this change as soon as possible to help the environment inside the body to adapt to the change of the season.Therefore, in the hot pot material should choose removing sun be the spirit class raw materials, such as jujube, pigs, cattle lean meat, chicken, fish, beans and Onions, garlic, leeks WenXin sexual flavour materials.Based on ancient Chinese big pharmacists sun simiao traditional flavor theory: "spring appropriate shaw acid (vinegar) increases, more sugar from a temper" principle to adjust the hotpot materials.
In addition, the temperature changing in spring, when cold when hot, cold time might as well use a bit of ginger in hot pot soup, might as well when air temperature is warmer in the hot pot soup to add a little sugar cane.Hot pot ingredients used turnip, eating carrots can clear hot spring.So to adjust the hot pot with makings, can prevent diseases caused by the temperature change.In spring, people refreshed is the beauty of the ladies good season.General ladies who like to eat hot pot, especially like to eat sichuan-style hot pot, might as well add some chrysanthemum pot material, pig, pig skin and cucumber.Add sweet soup, appropriate tremella soup with bird's nest or pigeon custard.
Summer hot pot material
Summer is characterized by high temperature, air humidity, human body heated air, the body sweat is much, lost a lot of water and electrolytes (salt), resulting in decreased gastric acid secretion, saliva decrease, loss of appetite.Summer eating first to supply water and salt, potassium, calcium, magnesium, trace elements and the electrolyte and nitrogenous substances and vitamin B and C.In the hot pot material should be more green vegetables, tofu, eggs, lean meat, fish, chicken, duck, pork liver, eggplant, cucumber, bitter gourd, wax gourd, bamboo shoots, dandelion health food, the food can stimulate appetite, appetizing, spleen and stomach, helping digestion.And given to the human body rich amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, alkaloids, glycosides, bitter, can be refreshing to human body, eliminating hot and fatigue.In addition, mung bean porridge, lotus leaf gruel also can clear heat has soared in the hot pot, alleviate hot pot hot degree.A little rest after eating hot pot, and then drink a cup of cold drink can increase the body are the one induce antiviral components such as intake, less developed diarrhea, dysentery and other diseases.Summer season spread bacteria reproduce, should be in the hot pot material with garlic and vinegar, garlic and vinegar have the function of the antibacterial and virus infection, to ensure the healthy body.
Autumn hotpot materials 
Autumn day high air, the climate is dry, easy to make human body produce "autumn dry" symptoms, such as crack on the throat dry, lips, thirst, constipation, etc.Hot pot ingredients should be paid attention to selecting Yin runfei of raw materials, such as sesame, bee, lotus meters, grape sugar, tremella, radish, white gourd, cucumber, etc.People often eat hot pot at ordinary times more drink boiled water, light tea, milk, soybean milk.Hotpot condiments should use less pepper, pepper, ginger, clove, fennel WenXin hot sauce.Enter the autumn, the human essence began to collect, can supplements at this moment, but not big.Hot pot material should avoid is used a cattle, sheep, dog meat, multi-purpose black fungus, lotus root, bean curd.Hot pot soup can add lotus leaf, mung beans, lentils, used after filtration.
Winter hotpot materials
Winter temperatures decrease, the cold weather, diet to dive "Yin Yang", the feed more folding of the Yin Yang food.Such as tortoise, aojiang, dog meat, beef, lamb, chicken, mushroom, hot raw materials such as pig lung to regulate body temperature.Chili, pepper, ginger seasoning available.Winter in some big cities, north fresh greens, easy cause vitamin deficiency.Chafing dish material should be more with carrot, spinach, bean sprouts, etc.Hot pot Shang Yi fat fresh juice, color depth, mellow, highlight the original original, unfavorable eat cold drinks and cold food.

What’s the basic materials of hot pot?

Here said the material, is mainly refers to hot pot.then, chongqing hot pot soup, dip the disk sauce is also called oil disc is usually a bowl of sesame oil, is for cooling and spent, when eating is not easy to lose.

Main materials of hot pot
Into the pot rinse cooked raw material, its scope is extremely broad, the sky, the ground of long (run), the water (to climb), everything.According to the features of the raw materials can be divided into seafood ingredients are livestock, poultry, raw materials, raw materials, tree, fruit and vegetable raw materials, raw materials, products, etc., all can be used to make almost all dishes of raw materials can be hot pot meal.
Hot pot soup
Is a pot of soup, use is the most red sauce, followed by white sauce (including pickled cabbage soup).
Red sauce or chili sauce, soup and chili, watercress, lobster sauce, laozhao juice, sugar, salt, rice wine, a variety of spices such as bay.
White sauce with old hen, fat duck, pig bone, ham elbow, pig lean lean, green onion, ginger, wine, such as boil the soup, generally used with red sauce, rarely used alone, or used often to dip seasoning food.
Dip the flavour dish
Is an indispensable part of the hot pot rinse system, common with sesame oil flavor dishes, mashed garlic flavor dishes, pepper oil, flavor dishes, red oil flavor dishes, spicy sauce flavor dishes, sichuan ji dip disc, sauce flavor dishes, Chinese chive flower disc, etc.In hot pot rinse hot cooked just out of the pot when the temperature is higher, if the main ingredient of scoop out just from the pot dip in flavour dish, can make the hot raw material to reduce the temperature, will not burn the mouth.


Japan beef hotpot

Do you like eating beef or beef hotpot?What kind of beef hotpot do you like best?
Have you ever try Japan beef hotpot?today i want to inrtoduce some famous beefhotpot to you!
Japan ginza beef hot pot restaurant chains "ginza jizah" is a company in ginza business for more than 50 years, using the best quality and make sukiyaki and rinse beef hot pot restaurant.Due to the management of selected meat in the middle of the wholesale business, in the store can enjoy "matsuzaka cow", and from Japan across the country origin of strict screening and cattle.In order to explore is famous in the world and the mystery of the cow taste, we interviewed the ginza jizah "jizah shop" founder JiZeYu, managing director of sun male - the's interface.

Ginza is a have a lot of foreign tourists and business people visiting places, foreign customers often visit to the store?
Jizah surname: yes, especially business people especially.We have 12 tatami room, guests can leisurely meal under Japanese atmosphere.Recently many customers from China.
There are several hotels near the shop, so tourists will also often to the store.Shop on the first floor is selected butcher shop, there are a lot of passers-by will also want to try it.
The store layout and display
The store layout and display
A foreign guest to sukiyaki reaction and rinse beef hot pot?
Jizah surname: for frost beef and cattle characteristics (meat) between fat meticulous embedded muscle of exquisite taste, all the customers eat after all.The customer especially from Asia and the near east, very like the soft meat.
Our "Fried" also has some very much.This dish is to cut thick beef on paved the oil sizzling pan baked it quickly, and then on to remarry and special sauce to eat carrots mud.Can taste the delicious meat itself with the original.
"Silver jizah" as a top provides and cattle brand shop "matsuzaka cattle", is famous for it.
Jizah surname: this store and "matsuzaka beef" origin can be traced back to the startup time."Matsuzaka beef" matsuzaka is triple county area of peasant carefully nurtured and cattle.Presidents in the past, the entrepreneurial period, is also my grandfather used cars will be cattle from matsuzaka to Tokyo, 300 km journey.
The so-called "matsuzaka cow", refers to the cow was not that we have produced.Cow meat than the flesh of bulls, the fat melt temperature is lower, so fat and meat are moist fuses in together, eat together with the feeling of melt in your mouth.Fat itself is not greasy, can enjoy its rich flavor.
And how the quality of the cattle depends on cultivating ZiNiu peasant skill.Cultivating matsuzaka cow farm to feed cattle massage, or beer to drink to enhance the appetite of cattle cattle.Dallas is very sensitive to nervous, pay attention to the food and the environment, to carefully fostered more than three years to be shipped.
The cook in the treatment of the beef
The cook in the treatment of the beef
In addition to "matsuzaka cow", Japan has a variety of brands and cattle, such as "kobe beef", "near jiang cow", "m jersey cow" and so on.
Jizah surname: yes.Our Tokyo meat market in the middle of the wholesale business, so will not only purchase "matsuzaka cow", choose the meat experts to Japan and cattle alike, all of them, and choose and buy quality and cattle.In essence in the store, you will be prompted for sale and the brand that day.In package cuisine, we sometimes will several brand.Recently, in the country of origin of the northeast local cold winter to foster brand is very popular.
We hope that we can make the customer be in the best condition in beef taste these quality and cattle, and therefore also pays much attention to our shop of ripening time.After purchase, we will keep connected state, kept in a water cooled refrigerator 2 to 3 weeks or so, make its ripening.As a result, the meat will be more strong.
High quality of the food in the world and cattle a high evaluation
High quality and cattle food a high evaluation of the forest in the world
Jizah surname: as you can see from the reaction of foreign customers, and the demand is high.If in the future to establish export channels, we will also actively expand overseas beef market.Has all kinds of food culture in the world, and we hope that each country can use their ingredients and cooking methods, taste the delicious and cattle.

Foreign Hot Pot

Not only Chinese loves hotpot,all of our foreign friends like it too.So do you know what are the classification of foreign hot pot?Have you ever tried korean and Janpanese forign hotpot?
Japan's Sukiyaki hot pot:
Cooked beef slices, shrimp, chicken, fish, pig lean meat, pork loin, pills, etc., the ingredients are fans, spinach, in Beijing cuisine, onion, etc.How to eat is usually will heat up a pan, heat oil to be panhao add in Beijing cuisine, onion slices and stir to eight mature, and then put their favorite kinds of main ingredient in the pot, frying while eating.Eat to a half, then add fresh soup and boil seasoning, rinse in fresh soup cooked food.
Paper hot pot
Japan paper hot pot was born in 1940, the original is snow geese hotpot special vessels.This special paper three hours can be cooked at high temperature, also can absorb the grease of meat, let the long remained had cooked food is delicious.When eating paper hot pot, hot pot material in the paper the pot first, and then pour the sauce, on the carbon furnace heating.Ingredients in the water will be gradually released, and sauce mix, like hot pot does not need to dip will have flavour is dye-in-the-wood.
North Korea pickled cabbage white fat meat hot pot:
Use charcoal fire heating, stock for seafood soup, the pickled vegetable is famous, white fat meat or pork belly, with black pudding, clams, etc., how to eat more primitive, but it's friends.
South Korea stone pot:
Bottom of the pot is chilli oil, chili powder, filled with meat and fat chicken, spicy.

Swiss cheese hot pot:
Put the cheese in a pot, boil liquid, add white wine and fruit wine, eat with fork put French bread in the cheese in the liquid in the pot, after waiting for cheese into bread, ready-to-eat.
Indonesia curry pot:
Ingredients is native to Indonesia, curry leaves, coconut powder and spices, rinse with fish, prawns, chicken, beef, bottom of the pot with rice juice, have all suck juice of refined taste.
Italian hot pot
The main raw material of the chafing dish is beef slices, ham, pork meat and shrimp, etc., ingredients have spinach, Onions, butter, etc.When people eat hot pot, hot pot hot first, then put into the pot boiled spinach and Onions, later put ham, chicken and pork meat and so on, to start eating when add the shrimp and other seafood products, to keep them fresh aroma of hot pot.
Thailand opposed hot pot
In Bangkok Thailand is located in the tropics, the temperature is 33 degrees centigrade, often especially in 4 to 6 months, the weather is hot, common have "hot pot" and the street shop.Hot days, many people eat "hot pot" around a stove.See plates of beef, mutton, fish, eggs, fish, squid, bean curd, lettuce, fans, with people with a very spicy sauce big eat, eat with relish, don't feel sultry, this is air conditioning air conditioning, make dining-room temperature maintained below 10 degrees C.Thai people in more formal banquets, pleased with the "hot pot", this is the Thai people's hobby, eat "hot pot", while drink "iced tea" and cold drinks snacks, said it was "opposed", as a whole, don't have a taste.

Swiss chocolate hot pot
This is a very popular with Swiss girls special hot pot, its method and cheese fondue, almost put chocolate in the pot boil juice beforehand, the fruit slices with a long handle a fork, with a pot of chocolate sauce to eat one piece, until dip in the hot pot in the chocolate sauce.Because this kind of hot pot in when to eat don't have a taste, so its in Switzerland is quite popular among young couples.
After reading this articles,do you want to have a try?