
Mushroom hot pot

From the hot pot of the main dish, the old chicken, the old duck, the seafood, the soft-shelled turtle, etc. are used as the hot pot bottom material, and then among the more than 20 kinds of fungi, such as boletus, bamboo scorpion, monkey head mushroom, etc. One or several kinds, put the fresh soup in the pot, and add the MSG is also delicious and fragrant. The wild fungus foods are not bad after cooking for a long time. After eating, the teeth and cheeks are fragrant, and the taste is refreshing and smooth. Wild mushroom, a kind of green food produced in different mountainous areas and grown under different natural conditions without artificial pollution. Compared with traditional hot pot, fungi have the characteristics of low fat, high protein, no fat and no greasy. The fungi food raises the stomach and stimulates the body, replenishes the qi, balances the yin and yang, and strengthens the liver and eyesight. The effect of the medicine is remarkable. Such as Tremella, Hericium, can benefit body and strengthen the body, blood and calm, have a clean stomach; such as white mushrooms, blood pressure, adjuvant treatment of hepatitis and other functions; mushrooms, ringworm, pine mushrooms, bamboo rafts, etc., high prevention Blood pressure, heart disease, cardiovascular disease and infantile rickets are beneficial, and the curative effect of phlegm and blood stasis, deworming and pain relief; coral bacteria, succulent lactobacillus, boletus can clear away heat and detoxify, clear lung and stomach, nourish and neutralize Refreshing.

